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Cosmic Clarity

Ready to learn how to tap into your soul's sacred inner wisdom?

In this powerful course you will learn:

  • Learn effective tools on how to reprogram your subconscious
  • Connect deeply to your inner guidance system or higher self
  • Gain clarity and calm your mind
  • Develop your core values and use them as a road map for your life
  • How to develop body intelligence
  • Tools to rebalance your nervous system and find calm and ease
  • Experience freedom from emotional turmoil, anxiety and depression

We live in a society that is driven by the thinking mind. Our minds are a powerful tool, but it is easy to spend too much
time in them and develop an addiction to thinking. This commonly shows up as stress and anxiety- when there is too
much energy being held in the mind rather than being equally distributed throughout the body.

When we live our lives like this our internal guidance system (also know as our intuition) often takes a backseat to the
logical mind. This results in a feeling of disconnection or something "missing". It also tends to keep the body in
constant reaction mode, known as fight or flight response. This fight or flight mode triggers the sympathetic
nervous system to respond as if it's under a perceived threat.

When we connect back into our body we bring our central nervous system back into a balanced state. This results in a
feeling of calm and ease known as the parasympathetic nervous system. This is the state the body must be in for
growth, regeneration and healing to occur.

You know when you have a strong gut feeling about something? That's body intelligence. This course will teach
you how to strengthen this awareness system by redistributing your energy back down into your body and
reconnecting to your body's innate intelligence system. 

It's time to connect to this intelligence and use it to align with your highest self. You'll be given a toolkit of powerful embodiment practices that you can refer back to at any point. 
And best of all, if you use the practices consistently, you will change your physiology to a more grounded, stress free state which is the foundation for clarity.

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